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October 13, 2017

Big Box Storage presents the October Teacher of the Month!

Big Box Storage presents the October Teacher of the Month!

Congratulations Ms. Shoopman from Piedmont Hills High School. You are the Big Box Storage Teacher of the Month! This comes at a time where it seems like everyone (not just students) could use a little counseling. We are thankful that you have created a safe space for the students in your school to talk about their dreams and aspirations, and hope that by attending this conference you discover wonderful tools to pass on to our next generation of thinkers and leaders.

From the teacher:

“I need the registration and lodging covered so I can attend a conference that helps counselors improve their career and educational planning for our at-risk youth.”

My Students

My students are well-mannered, hard-working and driven. They value education and the opportunities an education can provide. Many of my students come from families that came to the United States to provide their children with these opportunities, and my students work hard to honor their parents’ sacrifices. My students have to be reminded that it is o.k. to struggle and to not always be perfect; as we often grow more from failure than success. My counselees value diversity and celebrate different cultures and lifestyles. I feel honored to work with such an incredible group and learn as much, or more, from them as they learn from me.

My Project

This project will cover the cost of lodging and registration for the Get Focused Stay Focused conference, which will allow me to learn how to help even my most at-risk students overcome barriers to make college seem like a reasonable possibility regardless of their obstacles.

Some of the information provided at this conference includes: provide students with an online 10-year Career & Education Plan, provide a strategic plan for reaching every learner with a comprehensive guidance course in 9th grade and follow-up modules in 10th – 12th grades, improve motivation as students answer “Who am I? What do I want? How do I get it?” and realize that they need to take initiative to reach their goals, develop students’ financial literacy skills and teach them how to be independent adults in the future”

We think the work that you are doing is incredibly valuable and necessary and hope that this small token of recognition helps you reach your goals. We are excited for you to attend the conference and bring home valuable tools to help the at-risk youth in your charge.

Do you know someone that deserves to be recognized as our next Teacher of the Month? Email us at and include the teacher’s name, school and class info, what the teacher needs the most to help educate San Diego community kids, and why you think they should be our monthly featured teacher.