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Big Box Storage Sponsors 4 Dogs At San Diego Humane Society

Big Box Storage, San Diego’s top storage company, is thrilled to announce a heartfelt initiative: the sponsorship of four special dogs at the San Diego Humane Society. This exciting partnership underscores our commitment to supporting our local community and the incredible work done by the Humane Society.

“The San Diego Humane Society plays a crucial role in our community, providing essential care for animals in need,” said Jeremy Williams, Community Outreach Coordinator at Big Box Storage. “Our entire team is excited to support this vital organization and contribute to the well-being of these special dogs.”

Through this sponsorship, Big Box Storage aims to make a meaningful impact on the adoption of pets, particularly older or special needs dogs. By covering the adoption fees for select dogs, we hope to encourage more people to consider adopting these wonderful animals instead of purchasing from breeders or mills. Our goal is to help these deserving pups find their forever homes.

The San Diego Humane Society is dedicated to caring for thousands of abandoned, neglected, and abused animals each year. Their efforts go beyond adoption services; they also provide crucial support through spay and neuter programs, pet food assistance, and many other services that benefit both animals and their human companions throughout San Diego County. As a private, nonprofit organization, the Humane Society operates independently and relies entirely on donations, grants, and community support. They do not receive government funding, making every contribution and sponsorship even more significant.

Here are the four special dogs we are sponsoring, each with their own unique story and charm:

  • Dory – A sweet and gentle soul, Dory is looking for a loving home where she can share her affectionate nature. With her warm eyes and loving heart, she’s ready to become a loyal companion.
  • Freddy – Freddy is a playful and energetic pup who brings joy wherever he goes. His enthusiasm for life and love for playtime make him an ideal match for an active family.
  • Betty Boop – Betty Boop is a calm and serene dog who loves to snuggle and relax. Her gentle demeanor makes her the perfect choice for someone looking for a laid-back, loving friend.
  • Bobby – Bobby is a resilient and spirited dog who has overcome many challenges. His bravery and perseverance make him a truly special companion for someone willing to give him the care and love he deserves.

To learn more about these amazing dogs and view their profiles, visit the San Diego Humane Society’s adoption page. By adopting one of these wonderful pets, you’re not just gaining a new friend; you’re also making a positive difference in their lives and contributing to the ongoing efforts of the Humane Society.

At Big Box Storage, we are proud to support such a worthy cause and encourage everyone to consider adopting a pet. Your support helps ensure that more animals receive the care and love they need to thrive. If you’re interested in adopting one of these special dogs or want to learn more about how you can support the San Diego Humane Society, please visit their website.

For more information about our storage solutions or to get in touch with us, feel free to contact our team at (619) 353-5995. Let’s work together to make a difference in our community and give these incredible dogs the loving homes they deserve.

Big Box Storage presents the June Teacher of the Month!

Congratulations Ms. W from Miller Elementary School in San Diego. You are the Big Box Storage Teacher of the Month! Surely, it is no easy feat keeping young active minds on task, yet you have forged the path to unlocking the learning potential for your special students. We are your biggest fans and wish to help you get your wiggle chairs.

From the teacher:

“My students need chairs to help with their energy levels and focus skills. My students need wiggle chairs to help them learn.

My Students

This project will reach 11 military special needs students who have lots of energy and wiggles. My students range from 5 years old to 8 years old and have a variety of disabilities.

My class is a moderate to severe special needs classroom with all military students.

My students not only have special needs but they are also dealing with having their moms and/or dads being deployed. This causes their little bodies to fidget and have anxiety. These special chairs have been shown in the class to drastically help with behaviors and emotions my students exhibit when a loved one is deployed.

All of my students require specialized academic instruction and have lots of wiggles. They use fidget bands for their feet but they need something extra to help them calm down and focus on learning.

My Project

My students have a variety of disabilities that prohibit them from learning. They also struggle with anxiety, ADHD, and ADD which does not allow them to focus on learning. Wiggle chairs helps students calm their bodies and emotions to a state where they are able to concentrate and learn. It allows the students to move as their specific body needs to calm down.

Special needs students need ways to help with their constantly moving bodies to be able to learn.

These chairs are vital for our special population to access the needed modified curriculum to learn. Please be the helping hand that gives my students the needed chairs to learn.”

We applaud your triumphs with the students in your class and would love to donate funds to help purchase your wiggle chairs.. It would be fantastic to see your students getting their wiggles out once their chairs arrive, and share it with the world via our social media outlets. We invite you to submit their photos for all of our fans to become your fans!

Do you know someone that deserves to be recognized as our next Teacher of the Month? Email us at and include the teacher’s name, school and class info, what the teacher needs the most to help educate San Diego community kids, and why you think they should be our monthly featured teacher.

Big Box Storage Presents May’s Teacher of the Month!

A big congratulations to Këri Bolding from Thrive Public School in San Diego! You’re our Teacher of the Month at Big Box Storage, and we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate you! In a world that sometimes feels divided, it’s amazing to see you bring a fresh, artistic perspective to your students. We’re thrilled to support the wonderful work you’re doing.

From the Teacher:

“I teach a group of amazing first and second graders from diverse backgrounds, experiences and abilities. They all have big hearts and an extraordinary capacity to understand and relate to the feelings others who are different. They have been working together all year to learn about our 5 senses, and how they help us engage with and comprehend the people and world around us. We are now focused on ways to *use our sense of sight to look deeper* and *learn more* about each other, ourselves, and our community.” 

“Students are gaining information, skills and experiences that connect them to the anatomy of their eyes, the many applications of vision in science and math, and the diversity in concepts of beauty in art, literature, and culture. Most importantly, they are learning not to judge something or someone by first appearance and their writings and illustrations reflect this important concept. My students are truly wonderful artists and need more supplies as they explore and undertake different techniques and genres. They love to paint, but we only have enough tabletop easels for part of the class, and need 14 more so everyone can create together.”

“It would be fabulous to provide at least one real canvas per student for a final masterpiece, but this is not possible without outside support. Art and drawing supplies like paint, brushes, mini pallets, watercolor paper and colored pencils are in great need as well. I believe that school is a magical place where any student can become a “mastermind,” brilliant creator, awesome author, super scientist, excellent engineer, and much more. I try to make everyday a part of an ongoing journey where the love of learning is celebrated and has no limits.”

Contact Big Box Storage

We’re excited to help out with art supplies and share your students’ creativity with our community. Feel free to send us their artwork to showcase on our social media!

Do you know a teacher who deserves to be our next Teacher of the Month? Drop us an email at with their name, school, and what makes them special. If you are in need of stress-free San Diego storage solutions then reach out to our team at (619) 353-5995.

What is DIY Curb to Curb Moving?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “If you want it done right, do it yourself.”? Now sure, there are some things that I most certainly would never attempt to do myself, like repairing the motor in my car or building IKEA furniture. But when it comes to moving or storage, call me weird, I just don’t want other people touching my stuff.

That’s why Big Box Storage offers Do It Yourself curb to curb moving!

How does it work?

Simply put, we transport storage containers (8′ x 5′ x 7′ Big Boxes) to the customer. Once delivered, they load their belongings into the container, and, once packed, it is then picked up and taken to the new local address where the box can be emptied. Forget having to rent, load and unload a truck!

What is the best way to load the box?

For the best run down on how to pack your Big Box, check out our blog on Storage Unit Packing Tips. TL/DR? Place heavy items on the bottom, fragile things should be bubble wrapped or covered with blankets and secured, and everything should be as level as possible (no towering boxes on one side that could fall over during transport). Finally, be sure to utilize the tie down hooks located on the interior side walls of the Big Box.

What if I don’t want to load up the Big Box myself?

Manual labor just isn’t for everyone. If you are interested in having someone do the heavy lifting for you we have several contacts for licensed, bonded and insured professional movers. We can’t rave enough about our mover friends, and their Yelpers agree! Contact our friendly customer service representatives for more information on contacting a mover.

Can I still keep some stuff in storage after my move?

Absolutely! Check out our rates page to see how much you will save over our competitors by sticking with the #1 Portable Storage company in San Diego County!

Big Box Storage donates to Mothers Against Drunk Driving

Life is full of decisions. Sometimes, it’s choosing between a vacation or saving for the future. Other times, it’s deciding whether to say yes to someone or no to an opportunity. But some choices are more serious, like deciding whether to drive after drinking.

This month, we’re shining a light on a crucial issue: drunk driving. It might seem like a topic we’ve covered before, but the reality is that people continue to suffer because of it. Every day, we lose family members, friends, and loved ones to this avoidable tragedy.

To bring attention to this pressing issue, we are supporting Mothers Against Drunk Driving (M.A.D.D.). This organization works tirelessly to prevent drunk driving and support those affected by it. They estimate that two out of every three Americans will experience a loss due to drunk driving. And it’s important to note that we shouldn’t call these incidents “accidents” – because driving drunk is not a mistake that happens by chance. It’s a choice that puts lives at risk.

So, what can we do? First, let’s be clear: if you’re drinking, you should never get behind the wheel. There are plenty of alternatives. Call a ride-share service like Uber, ask a sober friend for a lift, or use public transportation. Making these choices can prevent the pain and loss that comes from drunk driving.

We must remember that drunk driving doesn’t just affect the person who’s drinking. It impacts everyone around them. The void left by a loved one who’s lost to drunk driving can never truly be filled. It’s a heartbreak that echoes through families and communities.

This month, as we support M.A.D.D., let’s also commit to making safer choices. Encourage friends and family to do the same. Share this message, and together we can help make our roads safer for everyone.

By choosing to act responsibly and supporting organizations like M.A.D.D., we take a stand against the tragic consequences of drunk driving. Let’s work towards a future where we don’t have to keep telling these stories and where every choice made on the road is a safe one.

About Mothers Against Drunk Driving

Founded in 1980 by a mother whose daughter was killed by a drunk driver, Mothers Against Drunk Driving® (MADD) is the nation’s largest nonprofit working to end drunk driving, help fight drugged driving, support the victims of these violent crimes, and prevent underage drinking. MADD has helped to save more than 350,000 lives, reduce drunk driving deaths by more than 50 percent, and promote designating a non-drinking driver. MADD’s Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving®calls for law enforcement support, ignition interlocks for all offenders, and advanced vehicle technology. MADD has provided supportive services to nearly one million drunk and drugged driving victims and survivors at no charge through local victim advocates and the 24-Hour Victim Help Line 1-877-MADD-HELP. Visit or call 1-877-ASK-MADD.

Big Box Storage presents the April Teacher of the Month!

Big Box Storage presents the April Teacher of the Month!

Congratulations Mr. Newman from e3 Civic High School in San Diego. You are the Big Box Storage Teacher of the Month! It was your impassioned call for help to provide healthy and nutritious brain food to your students, not only for in the classroom but also to take home with them, that led us to donate to your worthy cause. We commend your efforts in teaching this generation the value in clean, healthy eating.

From the teacher:

“My Students

Our school serves the culturally and linguistically diverse youth in and around downtown San Diego. We proudly teach a population of students with a high percentage of English Learners and Special Education. About 75% of the students at our school receive free and reduced lunch because their families are low income. The majority of these kids are urban kids and have very little experience with hands-on, lab science, healthy eating or outdoor spaces (such as a garden).

Many of our students have experienced poverty and come to school hungry or undernourished.

Some of my students simply don’t get enough food. The meals they get at the school are often the best (or only) meals they receive all day. Other students have full bellies but are filling up on junk and fast foods. Although they may not be hungry they are undernourished because they rarely eat fruits, vegetables or quality sources of protein. Most of the parents of our students are busy working so they can’t control what their kids eat.

My Project

I’m doing my best to feed my students so that they are not hungry or undernourished and can learn. We are growing lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in our school garden and we learn about nutrition. My students are slowly but steadily learning to prefer healthy, fresh foods (like salad or nuts) over junk and fast food. That’s where you come in! This project will provide the nutritious sources of vegetarian protein that my students desperately need. They can take the snacks home or eat them at the start of the day. I’m asking for lots of healthy, portable sources of protein, such as canned pinto beans, shelf stable cheese, nuts (almonds and walnuts) and even some crispy dried cheeses that are amazingly tasty.

We will be learning important lessons about food justice and nutrition. Food justice examines the idea that some communities do not have access to healthy food choices, such as vegetables and healthy protein. These sorts of lessons are incredibly relevant to my students lives, as they are constantly snacking on unhealthy foods. Being able to access healthy foods will provide them with lifelong nutrition lessons that will help them to lead healthier lives. It’s my belief that if my students can learn to take care of themselves better they will become happier, more productive adults.”

It is educators such as yourself that make our Teacher of the Month program so special. We are honored to have the opportunity to spotlight your extraordinary efforts with your students.

Do you know someone that deserves to be recognized as our next Teacher of the Month? Email us at and include the teacher’s name, school and class info, what the teacher needs the most to help educate San Diego community kids, and why you think they should be our monthly featured teacher.

Setting up a reservation: What will I need to know? Part 2


Next, what is your timeline? Before setting up your reservation, be thinking about how long you might need to rent a Big Box for. We often have different promotions depending on the length of time you’ll be needing, so it’s fairly important to know your end game to get the best possible rate. Not sure how long you might need? Sounds like our month to month option might be best. Once you’ve nailed that down, when would you like us to deliver the box? Keep in mind, we do ask that you be present for delivery so you can show the driver exactly where you would like the box to be placed.

Rounding the finish line, and perhaps the most important detail we need for your reservation is….the address. Although it may seem apparent, a sizeable chunk of potential renters aren’t sure exactly where their new address is located. In order to get your reservation placed we do require the actual address for delivery, so take a second to jot that down once you have the address. You’ll thank yourself for having it handy when you need to update your information with other companies.

Finally, thinking ahead to packing your box, what supplies will you need? The right tools make every job 100x easier, so be thinking about how many cardboard boxes you might need, or how much utility cord it might take to tie down the contents. Whatever the need, Big Box Storage has you covered from padlocks to packing tape. Just ask a friendly customer service representative for more details.

TL/DR: Making a reservation doesn’t get any easier when you know a few details before you call.
How many boxes you think you need
How long you need storage for?
When would you like your Big Box delivered and picked up?
What is the address for delivery?

Find out why Big Box Storage is San Diego’s #1 Portable Storage Solution. Give us a call today

Big Box Storage Presents the March Teacher of the Month!

A big congratulations to Ms. Honig from Knox Middle School in San Diego! We’re excited to name you the Big Box Storage Teacher of the Month. Your dedication to ensuring every student has the tools they need, including something as basic as a pencil, is truly impressive. We’re grateful for your commitment to helping the next generation of learners.

From the Teacher:

“I believe that students learn best when they can experience things hands-on, especially in math. This approach works well for students from all backgrounds because it focuses more on collaboration and less on just talking or writing. To make this happen, I need creative supplies and inspiring decorations for my classroom, which currently lacks these essentials.

One ongoing challenge I face is providing pencils for my students. It’s a struggle many teachers know all too well. I used to question whether I should buy them or not, but it’s clear that students without pencils can’t practice or take notes effectively.

I found a poem by Joshua T. Dickerson that really put things into perspective for me:

‘Cause I ain’t got a pencil.

I woke myself up

Because we ain’t got an alarm clock

Dug in the dirty clothes basket,

Cause ain’t nobody washed my uniform

Brushed my hair and teeth in the dark,

Cause the lights ain’t on

Even got my baby sister ready

Cause my mama wasn’t home.

Got us both to school on time,

To eat us a good breakfast.

Then when I got to class the teacher fussed

Cause I ain’t got a pencil.’

This poem highlights the everyday struggles some students face and reminds us of the importance of having basic supplies. Your support would help ensure that every student has the pencils and materials they need to succeed in math and beyond.”

We’re excited to help you provide these essential supplies and make your classroom a more inspiring place to learn. Your dedication to your students and your proactive approach are truly admirable. We hope the pencils and supplies will help with assignments and tests and inspire a lifelong love of learning.

We’d also love to feature your students’ work on our social media to celebrate their achievements. Thank you for everything you do!

Contact Big Box Storage

Do you know a fantastic teacher who deserves to be our next Teacher of the Month? Email us at with their name, school, class info, what they need most, and why they should be featured.

If you are in need of affordable San Diego storage solutions then reach out to our team at (619) 353-5995.

Setting up a reservation: What will I need to know? Part 1

When we get the opportunity to talk with new customers on the phone, one of the most common themes we hear across the board is stress. Stressed out about a move, a lengthy renovation, or a sudden new job that takes them out of state. Whatever the reason may be, it doesn’t take much to send those cortisol levels through the roof and leave you feeling stressed to the max. Thankfully, by the end of our interaction, they only thing our customers feel is RELIEF.

Here at Big Box Storage, we help take the guess work out of portable storage and know the right questions to ask to get you the best rate and the right amount of boxes. But we wanted to make it EVEN EASIER for potential customers to get started with this blog post dedicated to everything you need to know before making a reservation.

First up, how much do you have? Our boxes are all identical in size. The fortified wood containers measure in at 8′ deep, 5′ wide, and 7′ tall, each typically holding a room to a room and a half of common household items. If numbers aren’t your forte, check out our Storage Space Estimator located on our website – a ridiculously easy-to-use tool that allows you to punch in everything you’ll need to load up and it estimates how many boxes you might need. Great for reminding you of those out of sight/out of mind items that need to get stored. And if that wasn’t enough to ensure your perfect fit, we have the best deal of the industry – you’ll only be charged for how many boxes you actually use. So if you guessed 3 boxes, but get everything in 2, there’s no charge for that 3rd box. Risk-free guarantee!

Stay tuned next week for part 2!

Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning… In FEBRUARY?! Tell that to a midwesterner and they’ll look at you funny, but here in America’s Finest City it belongs on the list of things we can do that the rest of the country can’t. As Winter is on its way out and Spring is in the air, one of the most widely adopted rituals is that of Spring Cleaning. It is a time to deep clean the home, purge things that no longer serve their purpose, and prepare for the active spring and summer months ahead. But where did Spring Cleaning come from?

During the 19th century in America, prior to the invention of the vacuum cleaner, March was often the best time for dusting because it was getting warm enough to open windows and doors (but not warm enough for insects to be a problem), and the high winds could carry the dust out of the house. This time of year is also when coal furnaces wouldn’t run and you could wash all the soot from the walls and furniture left by the furnace. For the same reason, modern rural households often use the month of March for cleaning projects involving the use of chemical products which generate fumes.

What are the benefits of Spring Cleaning? Do you ever feel stuck in a rut in your home? Unmotivated to socialize with anyone or instantly drained of energy when you pull in the driveway? Perhaps you attribute your efforts at work or your daily to do list for these feelings, but ask yourself: Shouldn’t your home be a place to recharge your batteries? A place to rejuvenate and motivate you?

Many times it is the stagnancy of clutter and state of each room in our home that puts up mental barriers which unconsciously makes us keep a distance between ourselves and other family members, friends, or house-mates.

Going through the spring clean can give you the satisfaction and thrill of having achieved something. It gets the ‘productivity’ ball rolling and leads to more and more small victories. The process of cleaning itself is a great way of distressing and allowing yourself to remove focus from everything that may be taking over in that period of time. More importantly, the subconscious exercise that takes place when you clean helps release endorphins, therefore renewing your physical self by the end of the day.

The mind tends to fall into a routine after a long period of time, and creating this change can truly reawaken you. Throwing away old boxes, giving away clothes that are no longer needed, finally fixing that wardrobe that broke three months ago—all of it takes part in your eventual liberation. You will also have much more confidence in inviting guests over and being the social creature we thrive in being. Take true stock over your possesions and keep in mind what you haven’t used or touched in a year. All those things are taking up valuable space in your home – put it in storage!

Moving furniture around could ensure that sunlight and air have much easier access inside your home. Stress and anxiety is much easier to release when you arrive home and there are no week-old dishes in the sink, or broken curtains that keep you from allowing the sun in, or so much dust over your white bookshelf that it looks grey. Coming back to a clear and tidy home encourages your mind to stay organized; charging you with energy.

So what are you waiting for? The invigorating, stimulating spring clean is just around the corner, and Big Box Storage is here to help! Give us a call today toclear out clutter and make space for the most sucessfull you there is.