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Mom’s Stuff

‘Mom’s Stuff’- Another ‘Big Story’ by a Big Box Storage Customer.

I come from a really small family, in fact it’s just me and my mom at this point. I have no siblings and my parents had divorced years ago and didn’t stay in touch.
Up until about a year ago, my mom was doing fine on her own. She still lived in the house I grew up in. Although it’s a big house, over the years she’s managed to fill it with a lot of ‘stuff’ so that it doesn’t seem quite as big as it actually is. I live in San Francisco, and my mom lives in San Diego so it’s a bit of a jaunt for me, but with flights so expensive these days, I prefer to make the drive every few months just to visit and check in on her. I’m fortunate enough that I work from home, so I’m able to ‘take my work with me’ whenever I go for a visit.

I’d noticed the last few visits that the amount of ‘stuff’ in the house has grown considerably. While I wouldn’t call my mom a hoarder, she definitely tends to hang onto things whether she needs them or not. It had been a concern for me especially in those last few months after she’d twice informed me that she ‘tripped and fallen’ over something in the house.

I’d been trying to gently encourage her to get rid of some of the stuff purely from a safety standpoint. I offered to come down on a sunny weekend and hold a yard sale Ð which she declined. I then offered to hire some home organizers to come in and help her make a decision about what she could let go of, and what could be organized in a more uniform way so as to prevent future trips and falls. Also declined.
Basically, her attitude was that she didn’t want strangers in the house, taking away things that had personal meaning to her (I had to laugh at that Ð one of her favorite things to collect is couch cushions and the living room is FULL of them!). In any case, she was becoming more and more stubborn about the issue and when I’d bring it up, we’d end up having an argument over it. It just wasn’t going the way I wanted it to, and I was constantly worrying about her.

Well, the inevitable happened Ð she took a bad spill and broke her hip. Now keep in mind, my mom is in her late sixties, not exactly old and infirm, but she’d definitely need help when she was released from the hospital. Since I’m pretty much all she’s got, and knowing that she’d reject having outside help, I really had no choice but to pack up and move south and into the house of ‘stuff’ so I could look after her while she recovered.

I love my mom, and I’d do anything for her, and because of that, I told her in no uncertain terms Ð in return for me uprooting my entire life in San Francisco to come and take care of her, I was going to figure out a solution for all her ‘junk’ Ð yes at this point I considered it junk, dangerous junk, and I wasn’t taking no for an answer.
After a lot of complaining, she acquiesced, realizing that there really weren’t any other options short of her having to come and live with me. In my one bedroom apartment. In the middle of the city. With NONE of her precious junk (or her three cats!!!) Ð if she was going to come and stay with me, my plan was to completely liquidate that house in one fell swoop. I simply didn’t care to invest the time in trying to sort it all out from a distance.

After several lengthy discussions with her in her hospital room, I made her one promise Ð that she would be allowed to ‘oversee’ the organization and potentially the disposal, of all that stuff she kept tripping over, and that we’d find a solution for the things she wasn’t willing to let go of. This is where Big Box Storage comes into play.
I knew that she wouldn’t allow strangers into the house, and to be honest, I don’t blame her. We all have our reasons for wanting privacy, and for not wanting people to touch our things. Because I do most of my work from home, if I could find a way to be able to do my work and get this project started, it just might work out.

After searching the internet for a bit, I came across Big Box. It was almost like an answer to a prayer! I gave them a call and they explained how simple the entire process could be Ð not only would they deliver the storage unit right to us, but they’d put together a bundle of all the packing materials I’d need. How perfect is that? Then my mom could relax on her pile of a thousand couch cushions and watch while I did the work of packing up the things we decided to put into storage.

To cut a long story short, I had just enough time to pack up my own apartment (thankfully I do NOT like to collect stuff the way my mom does, so that part was relatively easy) and get it picked up by a moving company. Here’s the best part…I arranged it so that Big Box would deliver TWO portable units to my mom’s place. That way I could have the movers simply transfer MY stuff to one of the units, and then get to work on my mom’s house. This couldn’t have worked out better.

The ending of this experience is that Big Box Storage provided not one but two ideal solutions to a very unpleasant problem. My mom and I are living happily ever after, in a tidy uncluttered safe home, the same one I grew up in, and her stuff is just a few miles away safe and sound if she ever needs it.

Final note Ð we kept all the couch cushions because with her hip problem, she has trouble getting comfy.

If you enjoyed this story, check out another storage story by a satisifed Big Box Storage customer!

Ariana’s Story

Big Stories-Ariana Tells Her Storage Story

Ariana has been modelling for most of her life. As her career grew, so did her shoe collection. Not willing to part with any of her precious footwear, yet looking to downsize her life in general, she needed to figure out a solution that would free up some space in her home, yet still allow her to retain her collection.

Being a model who travelled constantly, Ariana had chosen to live in a condo rather than a house, because maintenance could be handled by the condo association and she wouldn’t have to worry about anything. The only drawback to that was a serious lack of storage space.

As any girl can tell you, shoes are VERY important, and we don’t just let someone off the street touch them! They need to be handled and stored with care so that they’re ‘ready to wear’ at a moment’s notice.

Ariana didn’t want her shoe collection to be too far away, and she wanted to take her time sorting through the hundreds and hundreds of pairs she’d amassed over the years. Some would remain with her in her condo, but for the most part, they bulk of them needed to be stored away.

While doing research on the best method and storage location for her shoes, Ariana came upon the Big Box Storage website. As she read through the site, she realized that a Big Box Storage was the perfect solution!

Big Box Storage could deliver a box to Ariana on short notice, and would leave it with her while she took her time sorting and packing her shoes for safe storage.

Knowing how simple Big Box Storage would make the task before her, Ariana was able to take her time planning and organizing.

First, she called Big Box Storage to discuss what types of packing materials she’d need. Big Box Storage offered a wide range of packing supplies including many different sizes of boxes, bubble wrap, tape, twine, markers, you name it. Since Ariana was storing a very valuable shoe collection, she opted to use her own plastic sealable shoe boxes that would then be packed inside carefully labelled cardboard boxes provided to her by Big Box Storage. Big Box also provided her with helpful tips on how to organize the boxes within the storage container so as to enable Ariana the best access should she need to find a pair of shoes quickly.

Armed with her packing materials and helpful tips, Ariana began packing away her precious collection. Knowing that nobody else would be handling her shoes gave Ariana a great deal of peace of mind. Some of her shoes were worth thousands of dollars after all, and each pair marked a milestone in her rising career as a model. And even though things were slowing down for her as a model, she’d still have easy access to all the wonderful memories each pair of shoes brought to mind. Taking her time, Ariana was able to pack her entire collection based on the color of each pair of shoes.

Once Ariana got a feel for how easy the whole process was going to be, she gave Big Box another quick call, and the very next day her storage unit was at her home and ready for her to begin loading. To Ariana, it almost felt too easy! But, before she knew it, her entire collection was securely packed inside the Big Box Storage unit and ready for scheduled pick up the next day.

With a huge feeling of accomplishment, Ariana surveyed her handy-work. “Wow” she thought to herself, “that was just too easy!” All thanks to Big Box Storage!

Remember, the benefits of Big Box Storage are aplenty:

Big Box Storage can help you with ALL your storage needs right down to providing you with the right types of packing materials to keep your belongings safe. They’ll bring your storage unit right to your door where you can pack it at your own pace on your own schedule. Then when you’re done, it’s a simple as a phone call to have Big Box Storage come back out to pick up the unit.

And, if Ariana ever decides to move long distance, packing her shoe collection will be one less thing she has to worry about, since Big Box Storage offers long distance shipping at incredibly competitive rates. They’ll deliver the unit right to Ariana’s destination, where she can unpack it at her leisure.

Here’s another great storage story by another satisifed Big Box Storage customer!

Help Big Box Storage to Light the Night

For the fifth consecutive year, Big Box Storage of San Diego, CA is pleased to announce their sponsorship of the Light the Night walk. The annual event, which is held by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), is scheduled for 4:30pm on Friday, November 7th,, 2014 at Petco Park in downtown San Diego. The walk helps to raise funds for lifesaving cancer treatment, support, and research. For more information on the event or to make a donation, please visit Light the Night.

Storing Your Car? Here’s Some Tips!

Although Big Box Storge doesn’t offer car or vehicle storage at our San Diego storage facility, we do know a thing or two about storage! If you’re looking for car storage, here’s some things you may want to to consider.

There are several reasons why a person might need to store a vehicle. Perhaps you’re going on a long trip and do not wish to leave your vehicle unattended in your driveway while you’re away. Perhaps you have a classic car that you’ve been working on for most of your life, and simply do not trust that it won’t be stolen out from under you when you’re not looking. Or perhaps you’re like Jay Leno and just have too many cars!

No matter what your circumstances, if you have a vehicle that will be sitting idle gathering dust, it should be stored properly. This will obviously help prevent damage to the exterior, and can also preserve the mechanics of the vehicle as well. Protecting your vehicle from the elements when it’s not in use for long periods of time will prolong the life of the vehicle.

When choosing a vehicle storage facility, it’s very important to consider the following:


Having your vehicle stored in close proximity with easy access will give you the peace of mind knowing your vehicle is safe and close by


Your insurance provider will require adequate security measures be in place to prevent theft or damage. Choose a facility that offers 24 hour monitoring and video surveillance.

Rodent Control

While it’s probably not reasonable to expect 100 percent rodent control, look for a facility that has measures in place to deter the rodent population.


Is the facility well lit? Is it heated? Is there a cleanup area available? Is there garbage disposal handy? All of these amenities are important to both the vehicle and to your peace of mind. You may choose to work on your vehicle at the storage location rather than taking it out of storage. You wouldn’t want to work in a location without such amenities.

Preparation for Storage

Once you’ve chosen the storage location and insured the vehicle adequately for storage, it’s wise to prepare your vehicle for a long term stay in a storage facility. These preparations will help keep the vehicle in good working order so that when you do take it out of storage, you’ll have less to do to get it on the road and running like a dream.

Start by giving the vehicle an oil change. Choose a premium oil without any additives that could cause erosion while the vehicle is idle.

Ensure the tank is full of good quality gas. Again, choose a premium gas that doesn’t contain ethanol or other detergents. If you fill the tank with poor quality gas, condensation will occur which will damage the engine over a long period of time. Adding a gas stabilizer is also a good idea to aid in preventing condensation and corrosion.

Ensure the vehicle has fresh new anti-freeze. You can’t predict how the weather will be during the storage period, so it’s best to err on the side of caution.

Lastly, ensure the vehicle is thoroughly cleaned inside and out. Pay particular attention to the interior of the vehicle to ensure it is free of any food scraps or spilled drinks which could attract insects and rodents.

For short term storage, fill the tires to the proper pressure. This will help the vehicle to be stored on an even support system. If the tires aren’t inflated properly, air could escape over time, which means when you do bring the vehicle out of storage, you could potentially cause damage by driving it without properly inflated tires. For long term storage, it’s best to place the car on jacks.


Along with proper preparation for storing your vehicle, there are many things you can do to ensure your vehicle is kept in the best possible shape during long periods of storage:

  1. Park the vehicle on a large sheet of polyurethane. This will enable you to immediately spot any fluid leaks when checking on the vehicle.
  2. Put rags into the air intake and exhaust pipe to prevent rodents from nesting.
  3. Purchase a battery maintainer that will intermittently charge the battery so it doesn’t drain completely during storage.
  4. Place saran wrap under the wiper blades to prevent them from sticking. Alternately, you can remove the wiper blades and store them in the vehicle. Never store the vehicle with the wiper arms extended Ð they could snap and damage the windshield.
  5. Use chock blocks instead of the emergency brake. This will prevent stress on the brakes over long periods of time.
  6. If the storage area is prone to dust, you may also consider placing a car cover over the vehicle. Be sure the car cover is well ventilated so that vapor can escape.
  7. Leave car windows open a tiny bit to allow circulation and evaporation of water vapors that may occur when the weather is muggy.
  8. For long term storage, exercise or ‘work’ the clutch and brakes every month or so to keep the hydraulics in good working order.


All of the information above will help keep your stored vehicle safe and in good working order. As a reminder, the following precautions are absolutely necessary to prevent damage to the vehicle:

  • Rodent Control Ð Ensure the facility has rodent control. You can also place rodent repellant or bait directly around your vehicle for added security. Be sure to check periodically to ensure rodents are not damaging your vehicle.
  • Gas Stabilizer Ð Gas Stabilizer will help prevent damage to the engine that can be caused by condensation in the gas tank. It’s best to store the vehicle with a full tank of premium fuel, with stabilizer added.
  • Wiper Arm Position Ð Wrap wiper blades in plastic wrap, and store in their original position, or remove entirely. Never leave the wiper arms extended. If the wiper arm is extended and something causes it to snap back into place, it could damage the windshield.
  • Insurance Coverage Ð Ensure your vehicle is properly insured for storage. This will protect you from damages that may be out of your control that occur while the vehicle is in storage.

Self Storage Security-Things to Consider

If you’re considering storing your valuables or sentimental goods in a self-store facility, there are many things to consider. Price, location, accessibility, and most importantly, security.
Security should be at the top of your list of priorities to research when choosing a storage facility. You should not even consider choosing a facility that doesn’t have at least four major security measures in place. In fact, the more security the better. Otherwise, you will be putting your personal belongings at serious risk. After all, if your belongings didn’t have value and meaning to you, you wouldn’t be storing them in first place.
Visiting potential facilities in person is an important part of the decision-making process. Your own personal visual inspection of a facility will help you determine if the facility meets your standards.
Preventing theft at storage facilities has becoming a major issue as more and more incidents of theft and damage are reported each year.

Types of Security to Look For

Any reputable storage facility that truly cares about your personal belongings will have a ‘layered approach’ to security, meaning they will have a combination of the following types of security in place:

Low Tech
• Fire and smoke alarms
• High fencing
• Well lit Ð in the winter when the sun goes down early, a well-lit facility will provide extra safety for you and your belongings. While motion sensing lighting is effective, ‘always-on’ lighting will provide you with a feeling of security when you’re on-site.
• Clear access to your unit Рif a clear view of your unit is obstructed by other structures, garbage bins etc., it will lessen the effectiveness of video surveillance
• On-site after hours security guards Ð video surveillance will capture unwelcome visitors on film, but it can’t chase them away!
• Access gates Рnever choose a facility where anyone can just drive right up to your unit without having to pass through an access gate

High Tech
• Digital keypad access
• Wireless door alarms
• Motion sensors
• Remote Off-site monitoring
• Video surveillance Рcameras should be visible to all as both a deterrent to unwelcome visitors, and to provide you with a sense of security and comfort

Additionally, the facility should be well staffed. A facility that only has one or two employees is probably not your best choice, after all, most storage facilities are fairly large, so how could one or two people adequately manage and oversee the facility effectively?

Extra Measures You Can Take
While the security of a storage facility is an important factor in which one you’ll choose, there are also extra measures that you should take regardless of where you store your belongings.
• High quality locks Рnever buy cheap quality locks that can be easily removed. Round discus locks are best for your storage unit. The lock should have a short shackle (the loop that passes through the door) to prevent the use of bolt cutters.
• Keys – never have extra keys laying around. Keep one on your key ring and another in a safe, secret location just in case you need it. Otherwise, you and your family members should be the only people with access the key.
• Access Code Ð Choose a unique access code. Treat this code with the same level of security you would treat the PIN code you use with your debit card. Don’t share it with anyone!
• Location of your items Ð pack the most valuable items at the back of the unit. This will help protect your belongings from a ‘smash and grab’ where only the most visible or easily accessible items are taken.
• Try to stick to daylight hours when accessing your unit. This will allow you to easily identify your surroundings and anyone lurking in the area who may look out of place.
Insurance is another important factor in deciding how to store your personal belongings. When you’re researching facilities, be sure to inquire about what type of insurance coverage they offer. As well, bone up on your home owners policy to see what coverage you’re entitled to under your existing policies.
Not all facilities will offer insurance, however any reputable facility will require proof that you have applied coverage from another source.
If a storage facility does not offer insurance, having your items covered under your home owner’s policy is a must. Additionally, you can purchase more coverage from your existing insurer, or use a third party insurer who specializes in this type of coverage.

Neighborhood Watch
There are a few important questions you ask the manager of any storage facility you are considering:
1. What type of relationship has the facility established with the local police?
2. How often (if at all) do the police monitor and visit the area?
Remember, there are many different self-storage companies out there, and not all of them are created equal. Some of them care more than others about your personal belongings. So do your research, make sure that all of your security expectations are met before making your final decision.

At Big Box Storage, we’ve taken every measure to ensure that your belongings are safe and sound within our facility walls. Our security features include the following:

– Video Surveillance Ð cameras monitoring both the interior and exterior of our facility
– Motion sensors Ð burglary detection alarms
– Perimeter alarms Ð security break-in alarms
– Exterior barbed wire gates and fencing Ð an additional security layer
– On-site staffing Ð actual employees staffing the facility (as compared to some other storage operations)

We truly treat and care about your belongings as if they were our own. So if you’re looking for secure, self storage in San Diego, you can count on Big Box Storage.

San Diego Storage Solutions for Small Businesses

In today’s fast growing small business sector, many people are starting their up their own companies. E-commerce makes it as simple as a few clicks of a mouse to get started. There are a wealth of online applications and tools to help you launch your very own business, all from the comfort of your home.

Today, it’s easy for you to manage almost every aspect of your business from home, even if you live in a tiny apartment. You can sell product, arrange for shipping, and even do your own books. But there’s one aspect of owning your own business that you may not have thought of…

Where Will You Store Your Inventory?

Depending on the type of business you want to run, you’ll probably need some type of warehouse to store your merchandise in. While some business owners might prefer to use ‘drop shipping’ (drop shipping is when your products are sent directly from the manufacturer to the buyer without using the regular distribution channels), most business owners prefer to keep an inventory of products on hand. Having your own inventory will give you more control over your business. You’ll know when stock is running low; when there’s a surplus; and you’ll be able to keep a physical eye on the quality of the goods you’re selling.

So where do you keep this inventory? Most business owners start out small. They might start the company from home, or perhaps a small store front office in a local business park. In startup mode, the business owner may not have the financial cushion to be able to afford a large space with a warehouse. Or it may simply be that there are no facilities available within a suitable distance of the business. This leads to the question – what solutions are available?

Portable Storage Solution

How about your very own portable storage warehouse? How about having the luxury of having your warehouse brought right to your door when you need it? And how about knowing that you have the power to have your ‘warehouse’ picked up and moved from one location to another if necessary?

Big Box Storage is the ultimate storage solution for small San Diego, business owners! This affordable and convenient solution will provide you with peace of mind. Depending on what type of products your business offers, special care may be necessary to pack and store your inventory safely and securely. And while we all want to believe that sometimes it’s better to leave it to the ‘professionals’, in the case of your precious merchandise, you’ll know that it was packed and stored with the utmost of care, because you did it yourself!


Your portable storage unit is generous in size at 8′ x 5′ x 7′. The unit can hold the contents of one and a half average sized rooms, or approximately 2,000 pounds.

The size is ideal to keep the right amount of inventory on hand and readily available for your small business. Plus, we offer convenient rental terms, with no hidden fees and our storage units are backed by a 110% low price guarantee. You won’t find a better deal anywhere in San Diego!

What if I Need More Storage Space?

As your business grows, you may need additional space to store things like business records, business equipment, office supplies etc. The solution is simple Ð you can rent another Big Box! With just a phone call, we can have another box delivered right to your door. Load it up, call us back and we’ll come and get it.

Accessing Your storage “Warehouse” (Big Box).

Don’t forget, your storage container will be picked up and placed in our secure storage facility and will be monitored by on-site personnel, as well as motion and perimeter alarms, and video surveillance. You’ll have access to your unit(s) seven days a week. You can bring smaller loads directly to your unit at the facility, or we can bring your unit back to your location. How’s that for a flexible solution?

Long Distance Shipping

Moving your business to another state? We make it easy! We’ll simply ship your container to another state! It’s that easy. No need to unload your inventory or other items related to your business, we’d simply ship the entire container! We offer incredibly competitive rates on long distance shipping.


Today’s entrepreneurs know one thing for sure Ð the more you do yourself, the less you have to pay others. Portable storage is just one way to help get your business off the ground without spending a ton of money looking for an entire warehouse or subsiding additional space to house your inventory.

Keep things simple and accessible by having your own portable storage unit at your fingertips!

Boat Storage Tips

If you’re fortunate enough to own a boat and you enjoy taking it out on the open water whenever weather permits, odds are, you most likely take care your boat during the boating season to ensure it’s optimal performance.
In the offseason however, when you can’t be as hands on with your boat, most likely you want to ensure it’s in safe hands and in protective housing.
Boat storage can be a complicated affair, not only from the point of view that your boat is a delicate structure, but also because it is as difficult to prepare a boat for storage as it is to house it safely in the winter months.
Approaching dedicated self-storage facilities that specialize in boat storage, with the experience to protect your boat and its accessories safely against the vicissitudes of the harsh winter, may be your best option, especially as you would like your boat ‘action worthy’ at the press of a button when you want to hit the waters again.

Here are a few considerations for preparing your boat for housing during the offseason:

Points To Prepare A Boat For Self-Storage
• Clean your boat of food crumbs and left over beverages before storage, to prevent rodents and cockroaches from making your boat their winter residence.
• Your first precautions must be to prevent corrosion, during storage. For this it is imperative for you to flush out the grime, salt and dirt by appropriate means and add an anti-freeze element into the cooling system of the boat to tide over harsh winter conditions without destroying the system
• Top up your fuel and add an additive for fuel stabilization and to prevent condensation during the winter months. Also consider changing the oil and filters. Start the engine and let it run for about a quarter of an hour before as final steps before placing your boat in storage.
• After you take the boat out of the water, make sure immediately to pull out the bilge drain plug and then scrub clean your boat’s decks and hull.
• Place mildew control-bags in all compartments of the boat to avoid the prospects of a stench when you are ready for taking out the boat in the spring
• Some owners prefer shrink-wrapping the boats to save everything inside.
• Purchasing a good boat cover is a great option as well
• Disconnect and remove the batteries and electronics and place them in a warm spot in the boat storage facility.
• If you own a kayak or canoe, make sure to go only for dedicated self storage facilities
• You must make sure to visit your boat in storage, regularly
• Always verify from the boat owner’s manual that your warranty does not expire during the storage period. Take corrective action if you have to, well before committing the boat for winter storage.
• If you want an affordable and good quality storage option, you can consider an outdoor facility with an efficient cover
• Identify and utilize a proper support system like jack stands, blocks or trailers when you haul out your boat for winter storage, and pay special attention to the hull and the keel, during the process
• Remember to take out your boat for a small trip to record all the problems that you may see with a minute eye, and then, attend to the shortcomings before storage.

These are just a few helpful tips that you may consider when it comes to storing your boat. Big Box Storage specializes in portable storage, so it’s best to check with an experienced boat storage facility expert, who may offer further advice to the tips we’ve recommended.

Happy boating!

Things to Consider When Storing Your RV

If you happen to enjoy the distinction of owning a recreational vehicle, for the pleasure of your family and friends, you should also surely study how you would store it for most of the time when it is not in use. Recreational vehicles or RV, as you would refer to them in short, serve a diverse range of needs, including extended vacations or long drawn out sightseeing tours, or just a simple holiday to make up for lost time with your wife and children. Some use it at every possible opportunity, whereas others use it only occasionally, when the chance presents itself. Most of those who have invested in a recreational vehicle are unaware of the constraints they pose in terms of storage, when not in use.

The Best Options
The matter of RV storage and its many facets needs careful consideration for several reasons, among which are:
• The RV itself is expensive
• The choice of the facility often reflects your own personality
• You cannot afford to compromise security and maintenance for cost
• Sometimes, you will appreciate that prudence is the better part of valor
You would rather find a permanent fix to your leaking roof than undertaking to replace the cover incessantly
• Long term leases always offer better deals and insure you against unscheduled price hikes
• You can also opt for additional benefits offered at some minimal cost, and save handsomely in the long run
Some important aspects of RV Storage
RV Storage, or Recreational Vehicle Storage takes on important overtones, irrespective of whether your vehicle belongs to any of the three categories that make up this group, travel trailers, motor homes or the truck campers.

Consider the Following:
• Check regularly for motor efficiency and maintenance
• Periodic vehicle inspection is important during the storage period and especially so in the winters.
• Consider offers of storage facilities from professional RV storage facilities
• For the additional care required for RV Storage, seek expert advice
• Conduct your due diligence, vet the websites of RV storage companies, verify with colleagues and friends that may also have a RV and select the one that you feel will best suit your needs
• Think twice about opting for a storage space or garage that is not a specialized RV Storage facility
• Most dedicated RV storage facilities will let you have the master key to a set of combination locks
• They will desist from storing any other materials in your dedicated space
• Do not consider a higher rent as a reason for rejection of an excellent RV Storage facility.

Consider The Following Additional Benefits They May Have to Offer.
• 24X7 Strict surveillance backed by watertight security
• Excellent modern facilities buying you peace of mind at home
• 24 hours close circuit cameras recording every move in the facility
• The freedom to visit the facility whenever you want, irrespective of whether the facility is owned or rented by you
• Provision of login credentials to enter the facility

What you should consider before when looking for RV storage:
1. Calculate the area inside and outside for convenient parking and removal of your recreational vehicle
2. Check out for climate control facilities
3. Make sure that accessories of the RV, like its kitchen, bathroom and bedroom have dedicated storage spaces
4. For winter storage, obtain a list of what you should and not do, from the RV storage facility

You’ve spent a considerable amount of money on your RV, so taking the extra time to locate an RV storage site that best suits your needs, is definitely worth it!

Although Big Box Storage doesn’t offer RV storage, there are plenty of great RV storage facilities in San Diego. If you require personal self storage, we offer a best price guarantee and an unmatched storage solution that makes placing your items into storage, as easy as it gets!

Big Box Storage Goes Pink!

Big Box Storage is thrilled to be a part of the Pink & Easy Tour, a month-long event hosted by Easy 98.1 FM throughout October. This event is all about raising awareness for breast health and supporting the fight against breast cancer.

During October, Easy 98.1 FM and Big Box Storage are going pink to show our support. The Pink & Easy Tour will include a series of exciting fundraising events happening all around San Diego. There’s something for everyone, including live music, silent auctions, dinners, luncheons, fitness activities, arts and crafts, and much more!

These events are designed not only to raise funds but also to bring the community together in support of breast cancer awareness. It’s a great chance to have fun while contributing to an important cause.

To see the full schedule of events and get more details, check out the ‘Pink Stops’ page on the Easy 98.1 FM website: Easy 98.1 FM Pink Page.

Big Box Storage is proud to be the main sponsor of the Pink & Easy Tour. We are excited to work with Easy 98.1 FM to make this event a success and to help support breast cancer awareness efforts.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Throughout October, many imaging centers offer mammograms at reduced rates in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you need a mammogram or want to find a certified center near you, visit the FDA website for a list of locations: FDA Mammography Certification.

By participating in the Pink & Easy Tour, you’re not only supporting a fun and engaging community event, but you’re also contributing to a vital cause. Let’s come together this October to raise awareness, support those in need, and make a difference in the fight against breast cancer.

Wine Storage San Diego

Before we begin talking about the proper ways to store your wine, we should probably expel a common myth: all wines are better aged. In actuality, most wines are best to be drank within a couple years of having been bottled—especially many of the new world, less-expensive brands. The wines that do benefit from aging, however, are well worth the risk of possible over-aging. To hold that bottle and know it may be one of the last, or celebrate with that one bottle you’ve been saving for years, holds a sense of speciality that can’t be replaced with a one-of-a-million, off-the-shelf bottles from the wine store that day.

To be realistic, if you are looking to store any wine for over a years’ time, it’s best to invest in professional storage, especially if this has turned into quite the collection. A good way of telling if it’s time to go pro is if a $1000 wine storing unit is less than a quarter of what you spent on last years’ tannic libations. But if you are keeping it simple and just want to know where to keep wine so it doesn’t turn while you are waiting to drink it, here are the keys you need to incorporate into its storage.

Temperature is a number one influencer on how fast that wine will age. The perfect temperature is around 54°F. Lower, and you are bound to slow the aging process. This means, storing wine in a fridge is only OK for up to two months, and if kept at a colder temperature, the liquid could expand enough to push out the cork. Hotter temperatures, above 70°F quicken aging and can cause oxidization. Too hot storage spaces are definitely a quick way to ruin a good wine. Also, be aware of temperature swings; ideally, you won’t want the temperature changing more than 3°F per day. Anything more could cause the wine to expand and contract which could push out the cork or lead to seepage. But note, just because a wine has seeped, doesn’t mean it’s ruined—it could still be a perfectly good wine, so don’t toss it! Can’t find a closet or basement that is cool enough and regulated enough to store it? Then it might be time to invest in a wine fridge or temperature protected storage cabinet.

Ultra-violet rays from the sun have also been known to cause wine to degrade and prematurely age it. This is why conventional vintners have used coloured glass (which acts like sunglasses) for bottling. Keeping the wine away from direct sunlight is an obvious way to avoid this problem, but if we want to get serious, a subtle switch from fluorescent to incandescent light bulbs will slightly reduce UV exposure.

It has often been preached by wine connoisseurs that a humidity index of 70% is preferable in order to keep corks moist. Dry corks can lead to wine over-breathing and becoming oxidized—but unless you live in desert like conditions, this should not be a problem. As most wines are bottled with plastic or glass corks and screw tops, high humidity could only serve to damage labels. Getting a little too humid in your storage space? A simple dehumidifier will keep those labels intact.

Vibrations are another conventional tale that wine snobs alike will say is bad for your wine; while shaking is not recommended, there is no evidence supporting that subtle vibrations will have adverse chemical reactions on your wines. Old wines may have a sediment that could be moved around causing a gritty taste once drank, but to actually damage the wine itself is quite unlikely. Unless you live above a rock concert hall, it’s not a situation you need to plan around.

Storing wines sideways will help prevent those corks from getting dry, but as stated earlier, it’s rare to see a good ol’ cork. . . cork, nowadays. Other than saving space, storing wines sideways when they have plastic, glass or screw top seals, is harmless, but not necessary.

Although Big Box Storage doesn’t offer wine storage as a service, there are plenty of great wine storage options in California!